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What does "pre-loved" mean?"Pre-loved outdoor gear is equipment that has already served someone else. This second-hand gear comes to us in various states from "ready for the bin" to "nearly new". We refurbish it if we can (which is most of the time) or strip it for parts to make and fix other products.
Can't I just buy second-hand from a private seller on an marketplace?Yes! Yes, you can but we offer you more! Every pre-loved item we sell has been fully cleaned, checked over, repairs, and tested. That means that from the moment it's delivered to you, it's ready to go on an adventure. We also check all of our products for signs that they might be fake and don't sell anything we suspect isn't what it says it is! With our easy returns policy, you can also return it if it's not quite right. Finally, all of our pre-loved products come with a 6 month guarantee that starts from the date you receive it so you can rest easy knowing you haven't bought a dud! Say goodbye to questionable online sellers, fighting in the comments for items, and total commitment!
How do you help small businesses?We work with a number of small businesses ranging from people making artisan jewellery in their living room to well-established businesses that believe in working with smaller players. By buying wholesale from small businesses we are able to increase their sales giving them the money to source materials more cheaply and ethically and to speed up their production processes. In the long run, they have more sales and better margins and get their products on show in more places! We never pressure businesses to meet difficult lead times or to make more than they can. We go at their pace and we absorb all of the risk.
What if a hand-made item breaks?Not a problem! We beleive in our partner brands and thier products so every new item comes with a 1 year guarantee. So long as the item hasn't been abused or misused we'll make sure it is repaired or replaced for you. If we can't do that we'll offer a full refund. Another one of the great benefits in buying from us!
Why don't you have a price list for services?We beleive every service is different so we'd rather quote you for what your need. Our prices are competitive and come with a guarantee so get in touch to get a quote.
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